Tuesday, September 9, 2014

T-minus 52 days until Halloween

Hello readers,

It's that time of year again: time to draft Halloween costumes!!! 52 days until Halloween and I've already accomplished the following:
1) Sketch out ideas-Maleficent, Snow White's Evil Queen and Ursula.
2) Shop for second hand prom dresses to create costume- any full skirted dress is perfect for Halloween. I bought three dresses this year and all were under $10 per dress.
3) Start cutting and get to sewing.

Before I blog about my costume for this year though, I'd like to post pictures of my dresses from last year and the year before.

2012 Halloween (re-post with additional information)

Final look for my dress. Materials: Red dress, red tulle for under dress and sparkly tulle for on top of skirt. Ribbon, red and green, for the belt, flower and accents around the neck.
Hair and makeup. Materials: foam cone for under the hair, secured with bobby pins and rubber bands. Side braids, which could be braided around wire or pipe cleaner and secured to base of cone. Christmas decorations for head decor. Makeup- highlighted eyebrows, significant cat eye, red lipstick and a Who-nose.
Front office staff at my internship placement site, Dana Middle School: (left to right) Rudolph, Cindy Lou Who, The Grinch, me and another reindeer.

2013 Halloween
Started with a red dress, floor length.

Removed underskirt and tulle from red dress and began attaching to a black dress (see below)
Black dress was cut down the middle and sewed on an angle. Red dress was then cut, cinched and sewed into the straps of the black dress to make sleeves. Newspaper was crumpled and added to give "puffy" appearance.
White tulle was bundled and sewn into the collar.

Checker patterned material was then added to the front and layered on the fringe of the dress.
Queen of Hearts and Alice.

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