Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sketching, Folds and Layering

I was initially an Intermedia Art major when I registered for ASU in Fall of '04 prior to switching over to Marketing. During my first semester as an art major I was in a beginning drawing class and learned how to draw fold and material layers later on in the semester.

My art teacher would set up a still set in the middle of the room using old props, paint sheets, broken chairs, mugs, reeds and other odds 'n' ends. From that we would do 8-10 second sketches (see below).

Eventually we progressed onto shading, texture, patterns, etc. Below is one of my most prized drawings. I've never been able to do folds before and to do such was a great feeling, the most realistic technique I've ever used. It's not perfect; but I'm not complaining.

Hope you like it.

-Becky A.

Dante's Inferno

Senior year of high school '04, my senior English class read Dante's Inferno. From the book we had to do a literary project and for extra credit had the option of either creating a chapter of our own or depicting a scene from the book. I choose to depict several scenes as you can see.

All quoted excerpts are from the book The Inferno: Dante's immortal drama of a journey through hell, translated by John Ciardi.

The River of Blood.
Canto XII: "Below them they see the RIVER OF BLOOD, which marks the First Round of the Seventh Circle. Here are punished the VIOLENT AGAINST THEIR NEIGHBORS, great war-makers, cruel tyrants, highwaymen all who shed the blood of their fellowmen. As they wallowed in blood during their lives, so they are immersed in the boiling blood forever, each according to the degree of his guilt."

Forest of Suicides.
Canto XIII. "Nessus carries the Poets across the river of boiling blood and leaves the in the Second Round of the Seventh Circle, THE WOOD OF THE SUICIDES. Here are punished those who destroyed their own lives and those who destroyed their substance."

"The souls of the Suicides are encased in thorny tree whose leaves are eaten by the odious HARPIES, the overseers of the damned."

The Hypocrites.
Canto XXIII. "They are ow in the SIXTH BOLGIA. Here the HYPOCRITES, weighted down by greed leaden robes, walk eternally round and round a narrow track. The roes are brilliantly gilded on the outside and are shaped to look like a monk's habit, for the hypocrite's outward appearance shines brightly and passes for holiness, but under that show lies the terrible weight of his deceit which the soul must bear through all eternity."

"Caiaphas was the High Priest of the Jews who counseled the Pharisees to crucify Jesus in the name of public expedience. He is punished by being himself crucified to the floor of Hell by three great stakes, and in such a position that every passing sinner must walk upon him."

Friday, April 18, 2008

Print Making

Another project I did in 2D design class, freshman year at ASU. Started off with a photograph, created a reverse image and carved out relief on stamp. Just a slight mistake while carving...I hacked off part of the punctuation. :(

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pencil and Paper

This sketch was done for my senior AA English class, after reading Dante's Inferno. Forest of Suicides.

Window sills in tree.

Ballerina dancing. Drawn during the time when my sister started taking point classes.


Here are a several images I manipulated with Adobe Photoshop.

The altered guitar photos are from my highschool photo class '03.

This picture of Gwen was altered after freezing a music video I had on DVD, taking a picture of that frozen frame, uploading it into photoshop and messing around with the Filter Gallery and dodging tools.

This picture was for Vicky's Hollywood party. I made programs as souvenirs for all of Vicky's guests with a mini bio on her future career. Included were pictures of her and famous stars. This is one with her and actor Shia Labeouf.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

That's Show Business!

This past October, I coordinated a Hollywood themed party for my cousin Vicky's 16th birthday. She's very much into California and acting, so we made Old-Hollywood themed props and decorated our house with murals of California nights and finished with a red carpet leading up through our driveway.
Creating the "Hollywood" sign.

I drew and hand painted a sign for Vicky's party.

Oscars were created out of foam board and painted with acrylics.

This prop was fashioned from an old theatre entrance. Star lights were affixed to the cardboard with tape in the back.

Vicky and her guests.


These are a couple of family portraits I did several years back.

Sammie and Dominick.



Self Portrait


Ink drawings I did a while ago after watching Edward Scissorhands. Tried to capture the unconventionalism and abstract nature of set design in Tim Burton's film.

Stocking Decorating

December '07 I created personalized stockings for my neice and nephew. I drew little elves for each and hand painted craft stockings with the design.

Pumpkin Decorating

October '07 My work had a pumpkin decorating contest with a Disney theme. I decided to create Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid. I took a craft pumpkin and used clay and newspaper to sculpt the contours of Ursulas face, spray painted the pumpkin black and then painted over it using the color scheme from copied photos.

Club ASU (Part 2)

School Success Postcard
Created by Becky Arguello

Club ASU (Part 1)

Club ASU New Years Post Cards

Created by Becky Arguello for Club ASU, a youth outreach program out of the Office of Public Affairs at Arizona State University.

Sparky graphic courtesy of Club ASU.