Friday, August 22, 2014

"Becky, can you draw with me?"

Last month I spent a couple weeks visiting family in Virginia and Chicago. Many of my cousins now have children of their own and love to share with their kids that I like to draw (an understatement of course). I don't LIKE to draw, I LOVE to draw. Especially with my little cousins.

Drawing #1
Location: Virginia.
Cousins' ages: 4.5 and 6

Quick sketch illustrating my silly little cousins.

Drawing #2
Location: Chicago
Cousins' ages: 3.5 and 6
Original art by my 6 yr old cousin Thomas.

Collaborative effort by me and my 3.5 yr old cousin Olivia.

Drawing #3
Location: Chicago
Cousins' ages: 4, 7 and 8
My 8 yr old cousin watches me draw Elsa from Disney's Frozen. He holds a blue marker and is ready to jump in and color.

Coloring while my 7 yr old cousin looks online for a pic of Elsa's castle for me to sketch.
Drawing the background.

Finished picture. Sketched by Rebecca Arguello, colored by Joaquin, Jacinta and Jayne (4 yrs).

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