Friday, November 18, 2011

Painting Again

Hello readers,
I've been swamped with homework, reading, work and other things that I haven't had the time to post anything new. Alas, I have some things to share.

We had "Tutor"ween at my work this past October where we had goodies and snacks for the high school students I tutor at work. They thought I was being comical with my play on words and encouragement of dressing up. I was and hoped they would follow, but only two bought in.

Anyways, I had the Halloween bug and decided to paint a couple of t-shirts as costume choices. I plan to do the same for Christmas. Photos of Christmas themed shirts coming soon. :)

Queen of Hearts T-shirt (front)

Queen of Hearts T-shirt (back)

Jack the Pumpkin King T-shirt (main image)

Pumpkin T-shirt